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December 5th, 2014   |   Permalink   |  

To Get Your Desired Results for Fat Loss

The Nutritional elements for maximum health and wellness and Fat Loss
Emphasize whole foods -
This principle is an essential of all to follow along with. The human being evolved eating unprocessed, unrefined foods for millennia. Foods such as breads, pasta, pasteurized and homogenized milk, margarine, meal replacements and supplements should not form the majority of any nutritious diet. This is unfortunately nearly all foods that compose the bulk of many diets. Eliminating these problem foods and concentrating on whole foods will solve the majority of common health issues and help with weight reduction.

Eat protein at each meal -
This principle is important because it permits us to maintain health and nutritionlevels. If our blood sugar levels drop we get hungry and our metabolic rate will slow down. This leads to overeating at the next meal that is a disaster for our health and fitness goals.
Eat low starch vegetables and fruits and eat them with every meal -
Having low starch fruits and vegetables with every meal will ensure that you receive all the nutrition your system needs. Avoid Tran’s fats and packaged vegetable oils - These oils should be avoided like the plague. They increase bad cholesterol and decrease good cholesterol. They have been implicated in cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, liver dysfunction and infertility.
If you would like starchy carbohydrates you are able to - but only after exercise -
Despite the fact that grains really are a staple in western cultures, unfortunately heart disease, cancer and diabetes are a staple as well - there is a connection between the two! To help protect your heart and waistline simply save these carbohydrate feasts for immediately after your workout. This is where your body can best tolerate carbohydrates.
Consume a rainbow of colors
The more colors you eat, the more antioxidants and nutrients you consume. For example, tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful fighter of prostate cancer and blueberries contain anthocyanins, which help prevent cancer!
Ensure around 25-35% of your diet comes from high quality fats -
Using this method you will ensure optimal hormonal health. Good quality fats will not cause heart disease and weight gain, they will actually prevent it! Your saturated fats should come from butter and animal products, monounsaturated fats may come from nuts and olive oil and polyunsaturated fats may come from fish oil, ground flaxseeds and nuts.
Drink only water and natural beverages -
We are designed to only stay hydrated nothing else. You need to drink around 3% of the body weight in liters each day. The only other beverages, which are beneficial, are herbal teas, particularly green tea extract.
Eat organic produce if possible and grass fed or organic animal products -
Organic produce has been consistently shown to have more nutrients than conventionally farmed food. Grass fed meats and animal products are devoid of steroids along with other growth enhancers and have much better ratios of healthy fats.
Supplement based on your needs -
Proper supplementation is a tricky business. To completely benefit from supplements we advise you get a blood test and get them assessed by a trained practitioner.



December 5th, 2014   |   Permalink   |